
osg-release - OSG Software for Enterprise Linux repository configuration

Website: https://repo.opensciencegrid.org/
License: GPL
Vendor: Koji
This package contains the OSG Software for Enterprise Linux repository
configuration for yum.


osg-release-3.5-9.osg35.el8.src [20 KiB] Changelog by Carl Edquist (2022-06-16):
- Introduce osg-next repos (SOFTWARE-4509)
osg-release-3.5-7.osg35.el8.src [19 KiB] Changelog by Mátyás Selmeci (2021-02-25):
- Fix repo files to accept new signing key (SOFTWARE-3275)
osg-release-3.5-5.osg35.el8.src [16 KiB] Changelog by Carl Edquist (2021-01-14):
- Use upcoming series to 3.5-upcoming (SOFTWARE-4420)
osg-release-3.5-4.osg35.el8.src [16 KiB] Changelog by Carl Edquist (2020-08-27):
- Drop failovermethod=priority from repo configs (SOFTWARE-4069)
osg-release-3.5-3.osg35.el8.src [16 KiB] Changelog by Diego Davila (2019-10-14):
- Changing "koji.chtc.wisc.edu" for "koji.opensciencegrid.org" (SOFTWARE-3863)
- Fixing date issue on changelog Fri Feb 08 2018 -> Thu

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7