
htvault-config - Configuration for Hashicorp Vault for use with htgettoken client

License: BSD
Vendor: Koji
Installs plugins and configuration for Hashicorp Vault for use with
htgettoken as a client.


htvault-config-1.10-1.osg35.el8.src [504.8 MiB] Changelog by Dave Dykstra (2021-11-15):
- Fix problem that /etc/krb5-<name>.keytab was preferred for first service
  only when the kerbservice was explicitly defined for an issuer.  Now it
  also works for default first kerberos service.
htvault-config-1.6-1.osg35.el8.src [447.4 MiB] Changelog by Dave Dykstra (2021-09-15):
- Update to vault-plugin-secrets-oauthapp 3.0.0-beta.4 which includes a
  replacement for PR #64.
htvault-config-1.4-1.osg35.el8.src [242.7 MiB] Changelog by Dave Dykstra (2021-07-20):
- Updated the token exchange PR for vault-plugin-secrets-oauthapp to
    send the client secret in the initial authorization request in the
    device flow
- Updated to vault-plugin-secrets-oauthapp-2.2.0
htvault-config-1.2-1.osg35.el8.src [201.2 MiB] Changelog by Dave Dykstra (2021-06-17):
- Update to vault-plugin-auth-jwt-0.9.4 and require vault-1.7.3
htvault-config-1.1-1.osg35.el8.src [352 KiB] Changelog by Dave Dykstra (2021-05-10):
- Correctly disable secret oauth module instead of incorrect auth module
  when something changes requiring clearing out of old secrets.
- Allow dashes in names by converting them in bash variables to
  underscores, and reject any other non-alphanumeric or underscore in
- Fix bug in RFC8693 token exchange pull request to puppetlabs plugin
  which caused comma-separated scopes to get sent to the token issuer
  instead of space-separated scopes.
htvault-config-0.5-1.osg35.el8.src [139.9 MiB] Changelog by Dave Dykstra (2021-02-19):
- Always reconfigure everything when systemd service is started, just don't
  disable/reenable oauthapp because that wipes out stored secrets.
- Support multiple roles per issuer.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7