system environment/daemons
- glideinwms-common-tools - Shared tools
- glideinwms-condor-common-config - Shared condor config files
- glideinwms-factory - The Factory for glideinWMS
- glideinwms-factory-condor - The GWMS Factory condor config
- glideinwms-glidecondor-tools - Condor tools useful with the glideinWMS.
- glideinwms-libs - The glideinWMS common libraries.
- glideinwms-minimal-condor - The VOFrontend minimal condor config
- glideinwms-usercollector - The VOFrontend glideinWMS collector host
- glideinwms-userschedd - The VOFrontend glideinWMS submission host
- glideinwms-vofrontend - The VOFrontend for glideinWMS submission host
- glideinwms-vofrontend-standalone - The VOFrontend for glideinWMS submission host
- xrootd - Extended ROOT file server
- xrootd-cmstfc - CMS TFC plugin for xrootd
- xrootd-lcmaps - LCMAPS plugin for xrootd
- xrootd-multiuser - Multiuser filesystem writing plugin for xrootd
- xrootd-server - Extended ROOT file server
- xrootd-server-compat - XRootD 4 compatibility server binaries