- buildsys-macros - Macros for the OSG Buildsystem
- glideinwms-common-tools - Shared tools
- glideinwms-condor-common-config - Shared condor config files
- glideinwms-factory - The Factory for glideinWMS
- glideinwms-factory-condor - The GWMS Factory condor config
- glideinwms-factory-core - The scripts for the GlideinWMS Factory
- glideinwms-factory-httpd - The Apache httpd configuration for the GWMS Factory
- glideinwms-glidecondor-tools - Condor tools useful with the glideinWMS.
- glideinwms-libs - The glideinWMS common libraries.
- glideinwms-logserver - The Glidein Log server and its Apache http configuration.
- glideinwms-minimal-condor - The VOFrontend minimal condor config
- glideinwms-usercollector - The VOFrontend glideinWMS collector host
- glideinwms-userschedd - The VOFrontend glideinWMS submission host
- glideinwms-vofrontend - The VOFrontend for glideinWMS submission host
- glideinwms-vofrontend-core - The intelligence logic for GWMS Frontend.
- glideinwms-vofrontend-glidein - The Glidein components for GWMS Frontend.
- glideinwms-vofrontend-httpd - The Apache http configuration for GWMS Frontend.
- glideinwms-vofrontend-libs - The Python creation library for GWMS Frontend.
- glideinwms-vofrontend-standalone - The VOFrontend for glideinWMS submission host
- htcondor-release - HTCondor Software for Enterprise Linux repository configuration
- oidc-agent-cli - Command line tool for obtaining OpenID Connect tokens
- oidc-agent-desktop - GUI integration for obtaining OpenID Connect tokens
- oidc-agent-devel - Headers for the oidc-agent library
- oidc-agent-libs - Library for oidc-agent
- osg-token-renewer - oidc-agent token renewal service and timer