- buildsys-macros - Macros for the OSG Buildsystem
- cilogon-openid-ca-cert - OSG Packaging of the CILogon CA Certs, in new OpenSSL 0.9.8/1.0.0 format
- glideinwms-common-tools - Shared tools
- glideinwms-condor-common-config - Shared condor config files
- glideinwms-factory - The Factory for glideinWMS
- glideinwms-factory-condor - The GWMS Factory condor config
- glideinwms-factory-core - The scripts for the GlideinWMS Factory
- glideinwms-factory-httpd - The Apache httpd configuration for the GWMS Factory
- glideinwms-glidecondor-tools - Condor tools useful with the glideinWMS.
- glideinwms-libs - The glideinWMS common libraries.
- glideinwms-logserver - The Glidein Log server and its Apache http configuration.
- glideinwms-minimal-condor - The VOFrontend minimal condor config
- glideinwms-usercollector - The VOFrontend glideinWMS collector host
- glideinwms-userschedd - The VOFrontend glideinWMS submission host
- glideinwms-vofrontend - The VOFrontend for glideinWMS submission host
- glideinwms-vofrontend-core - The intelligence logic for GWMS Frontend.
- glideinwms-vofrontend-glidein - The Glidein components for GWMS Frontend.
- glideinwms-vofrontend-httpd - The Apache http configuration for GWMS Frontend.
- glideinwms-vofrontend-libs - The Python creation library for GWMS Frontend.
- glideinwms-vofrontend-standalone - The VOFrontend for glideinWMS submission host
- hosted-ce-tools - Tools for managing OSG Hosted CEs
- htgettoken - Get OIDC bearer tokens by interacting with Hashicorp vault
- igtf-ca-certs - OSG Packaging of the IGTF CA Certs, in the OpenSSL 1.0.* format.
- javascriptrrd - A package to render RRD databases in javascript using Flot
- koji - Build system tools
- koji-builder - Koji RPM builder daemon
- koji-builder-plugins - Koji builder plugins
- koji-hub - Koji XMLRPC interface
- koji-hub-plugins - Koji hub plugins
- koji-utils - Koji Utilities
- koji-vm - Koji virtual machine management daemon
- koji-web - Koji Web UI
- osg-ca-certs - OSG Packaging of the IGTF CA Certs and OSG-specific CAs, in the OpenSSL 1.0.* format.
- osg-ca-certs-java - Java-compatible SHA1 certs for osg-ca-certs
- osg-ce-attributes-generator - Generates CE attributes that will be uploaded to the central collector
- osg-configure - Configuration tool for the OSG Software Stack
- osg-configure-bosco - OSG configuration file for bosco
- osg-configure-ce - OSG configuration file for CE
- osg-configure-cluster - OSG configuration files for describing cluster
- osg-configure-condor - OSG configuration file for condor
- osg-configure-gateway - OSG configuration file for job gateway (htcondor-ce)
- osg-configure-gip - Transitional package for osg-configure 4
- osg-configure-gratia - OSG configuration file for gratia
- osg-configure-infoservices - OSG configuration file for the osg info services
- osg-configure-libs - OSG Configure libraries
- osg-configure-lsf - OSG configuration file for lsf
- osg-configure-misc - OSG configuration file for misc software
- osg-configure-pbs - OSG configuration file for pbs
- osg-configure-rsv - Transitional package
- osg-configure-sge - OSG configuration file for sge
- osg-configure-siteinfo - OSG configuration file for site information
- osg-configure-slurm - OSG configuration file for slurm
- osg-configure-squid - OSG configuration file for squid
- osg-configure-tests - OSG-Configure unit tests and configuration for unit testing
- osg-flock - OSG configurations for a flocking host
- osg-oasis - OSG metapackage for OASIS and CVMFS
- osg-release - OSG Software for Enterprise Linux repository configuration
- osg-system-profiler - Profiles your system for debugging
- osg-system-profiler-viewer - Views the output of osg-system-profiler
- osg-token-renewer - oidc-agent token renewal service and timer
- osg-update-data - Data updater for OSG
- osg-update-vos - VO data updater for OSG
- osg-wn-client - OSG Worker-Node Client
- osg-xrootd - OSG configuration files for XRootD
- osg-xrootd-standalone - OSG configuration files for XRootD standalone installations
- ospool-ep - Systemd service for the OSPool Backfill Container
- ospool-ep-container - Systemd service for the OSPool Backfill Container
- python3-koji - Build system tools python library
- python3-koji-cli-plugins - Koji client plugins
- python3-koji-hub - Koji XMLRPC interface
- python3-koji-hub-plugins - Koji hub plugins
- python3-koji-web - Koji Web UI
- vault - Vault is a tool for securely accessing secrets
- vo-client - Contains vomses file for use with user authentication
- vo-client-dcache - Provides a grid-vorolemap file for use by dCache, similar to voms-mapfile-default
- vo-client-lcmaps-voms - Provides a voms-mapfile-default file, mapping VOMS FQANs to Unix users suitable for use by the LCMAPS VOMS plugin
- voms-doc - Virtual Organization Membership Service Documentation
- xrootd-monitoring-shoveler - XRootD Monitoring Shoveler