
voms-doc - Virtual Organization Membership Service Documentation

Website: https://italiangrid.github.io/voms/
License: Apache-2.0
Vendor: Koji
Documentation for the Virtual Organization Membership Service.


voms-doc-2.1.0-0.31.rc3.2.osg23.el8.noarch [198 KiB] Changelog by Matt Westphall (2024-01-17):
- Apply patch from upstream to support voms-aa
voms-doc-2.1.0-0.31.rc3.1.osg23.el8.noarch [198 KiB] Changelog by Matt Westphall (2024-01-17):
- Initial release of upstream 2.1.0-0.31.rc3; drop voms-proxy-direct OSG patch (SOFTWARE-5781)
voms-doc-2.1.0-0.14.rc2.7.osg23.el8.noarch [196 KiB] Changelog by Mátyás Selmeci (2023-04-27):
- Add 116-better-ac-signature-error-message.patch (SOFTWARE-5560)

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7